Beauty, Mind


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This morning I learned an interesting term: procrasti-working. So I looked it up from Urban Dictionary, it means:

working on something that isn’t mandatory to postpone doing something mandatory

We all have the moments that don’t have enough motivation to work on our familiar daily jobs, we sometimes want something different and fun to work on… Here, as an entrepreneur, I actually have the freedom to practice on this “Procrastiworking” concept, I think in a way it will allow me to learn something new at the same time!

So, today I am going to practice this idea, just because after 4th of July, I don’t feel like going back to work on my normal projects:-) here it goes:

  1. I just wanted to mimic some interesting design and maybe make a little twist so it will be a little bit different
  2. Went on Pinterest, found this one 
  3. I can manipulate PS much better than AI, so I went for the first platform
  4. And here is the result…

Do you think it looks at least different? I think the grape give a different style twist… Share your thoughts?