Body, Food, Mind

“Intermittent Fasting”, what is it and how it affects your body and brain?

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Watched an interesting video about “Intermittent Fasting” concept, here it goes:

People who fast intermittently often eat within an 8-hour block, leaving 16 hours of fasting in between.

Here’s how it works.

When you eat, you store some of that energy in the liver as glycogen. But after 10-12 hours of not eating, your glycogen reserves will be extremely low. As a result, you may feel more irritable than normal, a term scientists call “hangry.”

The upside is — with little glycogen left — fat cells in your body release fats into your bloodstream. The fat cells head straight to your liver, where they’re converted to energy for your body and brain. So, you are literally burning fat to survive.

If you think this is an interesting concept, watch the full video here to understand better and see if this will work with your lifestyle. Enjoy!