Beauty, Body

Face Yoga

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If you stop at a red light, accidentally look to your side and seeing a lady strangely puffing up her cheeks in the car next to yours, that strange lady probably is doing some sort of FACE YOGA:-)

When you age, the skin will become loose and eventually gets saggy and wrinkled.

There are couple spots on your face are easy to see: eyes, neck, and cheeks. And we have some simple exercises for those specific areas:

  1. Eyes: keep your eyes look bright and sharp
  2. Neck: when aging, the skin is getting lose, exercise the muscles around this area to tighten the skin
  3. Cheeks: everything droops when you age, cheeks are the first place to show the sign. Puff them up and exercise them…

I came across this lady a long time ago, her name is Fumiko Takatsu, I tried some of her simple face exercises and loved them… Take a look at her blog posts and give it a try!

And I might be that Ascian lady you see who makes strange faces on the go…

Enjoy and keep smiling!