Beauty, Body, Food, Mind

Eggs, yes or no?

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Eggs, one of my most favorite food since I was a child. I have a nickname called “egg queen” because as long as they are the cooked egg, I do not care how you cook them, I would gobble them down! And till this date!

Back in the days when we had limited resources of eggs in China. A family of 5 got only 1lb of eggs per month.

There was a particular way to cook the eggs: mom would scramble the eggs with scallions (we called them “smart eggs 聪明蛋” by using the sound of the words.) Whenever one of us had a test that day, mom would dedicate one “smart egg” to her and hoped she would get good results:-)

1lb eggs were really not enough for three growing kids, so whenever there was a chance, mom would trade the extra rice tickets (the kind of little cards that allowed you to purchase the amount of rice for the month) to the farmers, to get those big freckly brown eggs. (There were no white eggs at the time)…

No back to our topic, are eggs good or bad for you? How much is too much?

Recent studies support the idea eggs may actually be good for cholesterol. A study from the Journal of Nutrition found that when healthy young adults went from eating zero eggs to eating three per day, they had improvements in their good HDL cholesterol, which aids in removing plaque and bad cholesterol from the body.

On top of that, one egg yolk contains about 35% of your daily choline — a nutrient that stimulates neurotransmitters in the brain and may protect against Alzheimer’s disease. It also rich in vitamin B12, riboflavin, folate and has 10% of your daily value for vitamin D — a nutrient that can be difficult to find in foods — and which nearly 75% of us don’t get enough of each day… (read the whole article here)

So, back to me as an “egg queen”, I shall eat eggs every day: scrambled, steamed, poached; pancake it, roll it, jelly it; eat as a meal; eat as a snack…

What do you think? How do you like your eggs be cooked?