game, brain
Body, Mind

Brain Sharpening

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Here is something about our brains:

The brain changes with age by showing signs of wear and tear, just like every other region of the body. In addition, the volume of the brain and/or its weight declines with age at a rate of approximately 5% per decade after age 40… Univ. of Nev. School of Medicine, Family Medicine

But the good news is:

A decrease in brain function isn’t inevitable and involuntary; you have the ability to influence what side of the roller coaster your brain function rides-steadily moving up, or going downhill fast. What’s best is that you don’t need to be a Rhodes Scholar to stay mentally strong. Simple changes can do the trick. Physical activity, for one, improves arterial function, and better arterial function improves brain function. Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD

So, in theory, physically, you can still exercise your brain to prevent its deteriorating.  Here I would recommend a game that would sharpen/maintain your cognitive abilities. It is called Lumosity, it currently has small games to train your abilities on speed, memory, attention, flexibility, problem-solving, language and math…  You will notice the changes and experience the excitement. I loved it!