aqua garden
Beauty, Design, Mind

Black Thumb to Aqua Green

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I always consider myself having “black thumb” — meaning, I can kill any plants that I plant. In the yard, in the planters. Over the years, I planted many succulents, all sort of shapes and sizes. None of them survived…

Couple months ago, I posted the “Floating Garden” post, providing the instructions on how to build a green garden in the air, in the water and looking beautiful:-) Two months has gone, they are still looking beautiful and strong… So I figured, it is time to expand the aqua garden to my hallway…

So, ordered more glass containers from Amazon — bigger than the ones in the floating garden. This one is a little easier on the installation since all the hardware is coming with the containers.

As far as the plan picking, I decided to venture out the different type instead of only ivy. So we got some herb and fern in the selection.

I think I also realized the reasons I keep killing my plants before: I over water or under water them, and I do not pay attention to how they grow and when need care because most of them require me to spend a lot of time outside — not an outdoor girl 🙂

With those little containers in the house, I walk by them all the time and I can see when the water is low and when the water is getting cloudy…

How to keep them lively and clean? Every 3-4 weeks, I take them all down, rinse the plants, clean the containers and them put them back again, remember using the liquid plant food for the water. Or also remember to put on some of your favorite music 🙂 — the whole process is clean, therapeutic and enjoyable!

Let’s hope my aqua thumb will keep being green and my water garden stays beautiful and healthy!