

This is a project that Yan decided to take on when she was close to that half-century mark.
She wants to share and grow with the other like-minded 50-year-olds, reminding them that the modern 50+ is the new mid-age.
We want to cherish our wisdom and knowledge, start to focus on our own lifestyle, health and happiness

You are graceful instead of innocent and cheeky

You are fabulous instead of sassy and sexy

You are wise and confident instead of judging yourself through the other’s eyes



Yan is a food lover, she loves all kind of food especially anything with (dark) chocolate.

But what kind of food would taste as good as how they do to your body. When she is growing up, Yan started to research what type of food that will keep you healthy and also makes your mouth watery. In this section, we will focus on healthy but yummy food mostly contain a lot of fruits, vegetables, high-quality proteins and some yummy “cheat meals” that you could indulge every once in a while.


How to keep our brains sharp” is probably the biggest challenge for us the 50+ group.

It is easy to figure out how to nourish your body because it is visible and easy to control. Sharpen your mind is another story. How to stay focused, how to stay happy, how to stay innovated and hopeful…when you are ready to retire when your kids are grown up…

In this section, we will share what kind of activities and things you could do to keep your mind stay healthy and strong for the next 1/2 century and enjoy this best part of your life! The options are unlimited!


Body is the vessel that keeps you going… When you are younger, nothing will bother your body. Sleep overnight, everything will heal and recover…

It does not matter how well you take care of your diet, your health. The body will slowly wear out, you start to feel the muscle, the joint pain more often; you start to see white hair; your eye corners are slanting down; the skin is getting wrinkled… vision is getting blur… tummy is getting rounder…

Excercise! Every part of your body has some sort of muscles, exercise them! Keep them moving like keep an engine running, keep trying and pushing without breaking yourself… Your body is a magic machine, it will slowly heal some of the aging issues and start to acclimate to your new trained body. Just need to keep at it!


In a way, Yan was born to be a high fashion girl, it is kind of a pity that she did not go into the fashion industry (very few in her generation had the chance to be in this industry in China due to the culture /history background)

Fashion, beauty… are the words for the young? No, people at 50+ have better taste and more money to spend. We should spoil ourselves with the better products and better fashion onto ourselves. Unfortunately, we are still either going with the trend that designed only for the 20+ or going with the grandma style, baggy and no design, no energy…

This section, we could share more how to pair your clothing, how to use the skin products, how to take care of your hair and skin…


When you were young, you heard, “Money cannot buy you happiness!”, still partial agreed but “No money definitely will not make you happy

at age of 50+, you should have some significant savings/investment or some sort of financial assurance to make sure you have a happy second 1/2 century.

In this section, we will do research and share the useful tips and suggestion on how to make this happen.

Family & Friends

Ah, the kids, the parents, siblings, and friends…

With the internet and social media, we can reach almost everyone across the globe… It is absolutely the most incredible thing in this century and we are lucky we are not that behind our children. But there is something missing: the face-to-face; hand-in-hand moments…

Remember to make more friends you have ever made, in REAL LIFE, not just on the internet or social media… The real human beings… the ones you can feel their warm skins, hear their laughter and touch their fingers… You can have coffee, take a walk, share a book or just sit side by side when you just need a company…


Over the time, Yan has collected some simple but meaningful quotes. She then designed those quotes into a post layout so it is appealing and easy to remember. Some quotes are actually the thoughts from herself.

Sometimes we just need a little tickle to the mind and get some inspirations… Those quotes will cheer you on and also keep you in check…Enjoy!