Beauty, Body, Design, Mind

To Stand or to Sit…

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Having a standing desk seems to be a trend for most of the tech or desk people. I have just convinced my hubby to switch to a standing desk since he complains of his back pain all the time…

Now, while I inherited his add-on standing desktop, and while I was typing along in a standing position. Something came to my mind that I decided to do some research on my thoughts…

To Stand or to Sit?

To be honest, this is coming from pure look purpose — I DO NOT want to have the legs with pop-out veins (varicose veins)… So I decided to do some research before I commit to this endeavor.

After some extensive research, I have come to the conclusion:

It is better to stand sometimes and sit sometimes or lay down sometimes. Everything in modiration and nothing accessive 🙂

On the other note, having a healthy lifestyle, eat healthily, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight… All those can prevent you from having a varicose vein problem. So, back to the root, people, choose wisely and onward!