Sugar Free Jan 2019
Beauty, Body, Food, Mind

Sugar FREE January

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Here we go again, another new year and another year of goals and expectations… I decided to start from the base, relatively easy one — “give up SUGAR” in the first month of 2019!

How do we do this “Sugar FREE” thing? Do we give up all the sweet things we love? YES and NO?

Let’s start with giving up refined sugar and its products — anything contains high sugar content, let’s just put them away or toss them away…

But what if I really crave for the sweet tastes? Prepare a lot fruits around you, whenever you feel the craving feeling, reach for the fruits instead of candies, chocolates or cookies and cakes…

By all means, sugar is the cause of all evils. There are numerous articles about how harmful it is to intake refined sugar. I really do not need list it out… Bottom line, stay away from the sugar is just good for you!

How am I going to do this?

  1. Weigh in on the first day of the new year and record my basic number: the weight, the body fat, water contents and BMI
  2. Lose the daily chocolate indulgent, even the chocolate is 85% dark, just keep them away.
  3. Replace honey or syrup with apply, blueberry if having oatmeal and use none-sweeten milk (all sorts)
  4. Toss away all the products that may contain high percentage of sugar – all of them! If you don’t see them, you will not want them (train the brain and it will eventually forget about those sweets)
  5. Eat less carb (refined): white rice, white noodles…If it is possible, give up most of the carbs and substitute with veggie and beans.
  6. Snack healthy and less frequent! Grab a handful of nuts when need some snacks.
  7. Watch how many calories I am taking… If you do not look out, the calories will creep on you without noticing… Keep snack time to 1-2 daily
  8. Stop eating late dinner, stop intake any solid food at least 5-hours before bedtime.

I guess I have a list, at least for my own reference. Keep it that way for the next 30 days, I will report back on the first day of Feb.

Let’s DO THIS!